Arizona Taxi Insurance Requirements

Taxi insurance in Phoenix AZ

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to have adequate insurance coverage. Of course, this is especially true for taxi drivers, who find themselves facing a variety of situations while on the road. However, with the Arizona taxi insurance requirements changing over the past several years, it is hard to understand the requirements. In addition, taxi drivers need to know Arizona taxi insurance requirements, her are the  details.

Taxi Liability Insurance

Since all vehicles in Arizona are required to carry basic liability insurance, this naturally applies to taxis. Also, protecting the driver against damage to property or other people can be a crucial protection.

Uninsured and Underinsured Coverage

Indeed, if someone doesn’t have insurance coverage or doesn’t have enough insurance  you’ll need to carry uninsured or underinsured insurance.  Certainly, this is an important aspect of Arizona taxi insurance requirements and it is mandatory that you have this insurance.

Comprehensive Coverage for Taxis

Next, covering damage that is caused by something such as a hailstorm or vandalism, is essentially an umbrella policy that covers almost anything else not covered,. However, this insurance does carry a deductible with it, often averaging about $500. After the insured driver pays their amount of the damages, the insurance coverage pays the balance.

Collision Insurance

If your taxi happens to have a collision with another vehicle or strikes an object collision insurance can cover the damages.

How does Passenger Capacity affect Taxi Insurance

As for the dollar amount of insurance Arizona taxi drivers are required to have on their vehicles, it depends upon the passenger capacity. However, most taxi companies purchase the minimum of $300,000. While more coverage can be purchased, most taxis go with this amount.
By making sure they have enough insurance for their vehicles, Arizona taxi drivers can be assured they will have protection in the event of an accident.  Give us a call today!  Quote

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