Home Insurance

Home Insurance

First, your home is one of your biggest assets and it’s important that it’s protected correctly. In addition, finding the right home insurance policy for you will take care of the small and large risks that come with owning a house.

Saving money on Homeowners Insurance

Furthermore, Professional Insurance Strategies will help educate you on home insurance options and plan for the unexpected with the right insurance coverage for you.  Further, we have over 50+ insurance carriers that we can quote and find the best coverage at the most affordable price for you.

Learn more about us and then contact us today to get started!

Personal liability

Next, Personal liability coverage is one of the more comprehensive coverages on your home insurance policy. For instance, it provides protection for any bodily injury or property damage to others for which you are held liable. Also, liability protection extends to you everywhere, not just within your home. However, it doesn’t provide coverage for injuries sustained by you, the insured, that would be covered by a health insurance policy. In addition, it also doesn’t cover liability due to an auto accident.  Clearly, that would be covered by auto insurance.

Dwelling Coverage

Next, dwelling coverage is the foundation of your homeowners insurance policy.   In addition, the amount is determined on an individual basis by each insurance carrier for the replacement value of the building in question. Also, the carrier determines this value based on a number of factors that reflect the total cost to rebuild the structure in case of a total loss.


Earthquake Insurance

Undoubtedly, no standard insurance policy, including the homeowners policy, covers catastrophic damage that can be caused by an earthquake. For an additional premium, companies offer an earthquake endorsement with your homeowners policy that will protect you in case your home suffers earthquake damage. Also, in some areas, this coverage is typically inexpensive and should be considered. For instance, the New Madrid fault runs through the Midwest United States, an area not perceived as having earthquakes occurring frequently.

Medical payments

Next, medical payments coverage, also known as “goodwill coverage”, is designed to provide medical expenses for people who were injured in your home or were injured by you.

Other structures

Next, this coverage is typically 10% of your total dwelling coverage and covers additional structures built around your home, including fences, gazebos, decks and sheds.

Additional Coverage Available

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Next, this coverage will help pay for expenses that arise if your home is uninhabitable or inaccessible due to damage from a covered peril. Also, this coverage will cover payments for extended hotel stays, eating out at restaurants and other living expenses associated with you not being able to use your property. In addition, loss-of-use is typically around 20% of your dwelling limit.

Flood Insurance

Additionally, the most important exclusion is flood. As many people have learned to their great misfortune. For instance, if you need flood coverage, any property casualty insurance agent can help you get it. Also, if you live in a flood-prone community, don’t risk going without flood insurance.  For this reason, see your broker about flood coverage.

Personal Property

Finally, personal property coverage reimburses you for stuff in your home when it’s damaged or destroyed.  For instance, clothes, furniture, appliances and toys are personal property. Lastly, personal property coverage is anywhere between 50% – 75% of your dwelling coverage limit.

Cheap Insurance vs.
Cost of Insurance

Let us help you to find the

Best insurance at an 

affordable price for you.

Company information

2822 W. Northern Ave Phoenix, AZ 85051
Phone: 623-463-9000
Fax: 623-278-0020

Contact details

E-mail address:

Mon-Fri | 9:00AM To 5:00PM

Wife, Mother, and Commercial Account Manager

P: 623-463-9000  E: diana@proinsgroup.com

Diana Rivera-Pulido-

I have been in the insurance industry for 9 years. Working for companies both at corporate and independent agencies, I have gotten to know the behind-the-scenes of it all. I was raised in Colorado and moved here in 2007. I haven’t left since! I have two young kids, Daphne and Luca, who keep me very busy. I have no downtime for myself at this stage in motherhood, but when I do, I like to spend it with my husband, Julio. 


I love trying new restaurants and spending time watching paranormal TV shows. I’m very passionate about early childhood education and hope to own my own daycare or preschool someday.