Amazon Logistics Insurance

When it comes to logistics companies, there is no company today that can compete with Amazon. A company that is becoming more and more of a one-stop shopping center for almost anything imaginable, the company is doing much to increase and improve its logistics capabilities. Because of this, many companies are looking to join forces with Amazon regarding delivery services. However, to do so they’ll need to meet certain commercial insurance requirements. When it comes to Amazon logistics commercial insurance requirements Arizona companies as well as those in California, Nevada, and New Mexico must meet certain requirements and guidelines.
Commercial General Liability
To do business with Amazon, a company must be fully licensed and carry a minimum of $1,000,000 worth of commercial general liability insurance. By meeting this requirement, companies in California, Nevada, and New Mexico can partner with Amazon. Along with this, when it comes to Amazon logistics commercial insurance requirements Arizona companies also need to demonstrate they meet insurance requirements by providing documents that show driver safety policies, procedures, and training.
Business Automotive Liability
Just like the commercial general liability, the business automotive liability requirements are also $1,000,000 worth of coverage. This is especially important for fleet owners in California, New Mexico, and Nevada, since those who have DOT or MC numbers will need to have proper documentation showing they meet these requirements.
Worker’s Comp
As part of their commercial general liability coverage, Amazon logistics commercial insurance requirements Arizona companies must meet include having worker’s comp insurance of $1,000,000, ensuring workers are covered in the event an accident occurs.
Cargo Legal Liability
For companies seeking partnerships with Amazon, cargo legal liability coverage is one of the most important aspects of commercial insurance requirements. For companies employing delivery drivers, a minimum of $25,000 coverage is required.
Professional Cargo Vehicles
In addition to having the proper insurance coverage, companies must also own professional cargo vehicles. To meet the basic requirements, companies will need to own a minimum of five cargo vans or similar vehicles that are 200 cubic feet or longer and meet the latest DOT requirements. By doing so, not only will customers get their packages delivered in a prompt manner, but a safe one as well.
By meeting these commercial insurance requirements, companies will be able to partner with Amazon to not only help them increase their business, but also build their own brand and give customers even better service.
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